Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday of Week 2 in Vlad

Howdy from the VMI! It's Tuesday morning here, Monday evening back in the states. I've spent my entire morning on WIFI in the White Rabbit getting a lot of things done for work, sending e-mails, and Skyping with family. A blog post is long overdue!

First of all, Clarion had a horrible journey home. Her flight left Vlad two hours late. Because of that, she (and 14 others) missed her flight from Moscow to New York. She had to spend the night in Moscow. Thankfully, the airline put her up in a hotel. She flew out the next morning. Ten hours later she arrived safely at JFK in New York. Unfortunately her newly booked flight was out of LaGuardia. So she took the shuttle transfer there. At LaGuardia she learned that her flight to St. Louis had been cancelled. The weather was really bad in New York. She was then booked on a flight with another airline. Later, it was cancelled. So she got a hotel room for the night. She finally made it back to St. Louis Monday afternoon and is now home with our boys. What an ordeal! Just glad she's safe and still sane!

I visited our son Monday morning at the baby home outside Artem. I hadn't seen him since Wednesday of last week, so I didn't know what to expect. Thankfully, after some rain that morning, the sun came out and I was able to play with him outside. He did his usual fussing at first, but only for about a minute. We walked around the playground for a while. Irina helped me show him our family photo album. She explained all the pictures to him in Russian. He enjoyed that, as did I. It was a fun visit. I'm making progress with him, but still unable to get him to smile or laugh. All in good time, I guess.

In the afternoon Irina took me to the grocery store. My room is now stocked. I'm in a suite by myself until my mom gets here on the 28th. But at least I can cook, make coffee (instant), and have a little bit more space. I spent about 2700 roubles, which is around $90. I'm sure I'll end up passing off some of it when I leave here, but it's nice to have a room full of food.

All is well here at the Vlad Inn. A couple of families are leaving Wednesday. They're anxious to get out of here after almost a month. I don't blame them. I remember last time we went through this. As for me, for now I'm enjoying the time here. Now that I'm over my stomach bug that lasted two days, and now that Clarion is home safe, I'm relaxing, even while getting some things done for work. It's all good. I'm supposed to go visit my boy again Wednesday. That is, of course, the highlight of my time here! Until next time, paka paka!



Here are a couple of pics. Still can't reveal his face until Gotcha Day on August 30th!

Isn't my hand handsome!

Nope! You can't see me yet!


  1. Loving the hand Joel. I know so many parents can't wait to leave but I can't wait to go and soak it all in. Talk about a life experience. Such an exciting time, every minute is interesting to me. Glad you are feeling better.

  2. So glad you're settling in at the VMI and have gotten your food provisions. So glad Clarion finally made it home. Spend your time wisely and be thinking of tricks to get the little guy to smile. I'm sure he will be smiling all the time when he meets his brothers. Is he ever in for a surprise! What a lucky little boy! We are thinking of you both and hope your mom has a safe (and timely)trip to join you. Love, Aunt Jan

  3. Precious boy! I'm glad you're enjoying your time with him and at the VMI. Poor Clarion! Sounds like she had a horrible time trying to get home. I'm looking forward to hearing about and seeing more of your son soon! Please give our love to Irina!

    Adrienne and Jim and family :)
